Introduction to TURF Analysis

'TURF' is a statistical model that can used to answer questions like:

  • Where should we place ads to reach the widest possible audience?
  • What kind of market-share will we gain if we add a new line to our model?
  • It was originally devised for analysis of media campaigns, and has been expanded to apply to product, line and distribution analysis. With SurveyAnalytics any Multiple Choice/Multiple Answer question can be analyzed using TURF. The TURF Simulator calculates Optimal configurations for maximizing reach. Reach or Coverage is defined as the proportion of the audience (target group) that chooses a particular option.

    "This is an excellent resource that guided me while going through with my research online. It isn't specific only to SurveyAnalytics tool but also is about the general principles one needs to stick to increase the response rates and minor tweaks in language to make the existing questionnaire more effective. I recommend that not only dummies but even people with some experience in online surveys read this book once.."

    What's inside

    • Analysis
    • Simulator
    • Price Modeling
    • Line Optimization
    Introduction to TURF Analysis

    435 KB


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